Majolica jardinieres
& cache pots : for a larger image click on a photograph |
Item number - 3456
George Jones majolica hummingbirds jardinere
Length - 16 inches |
Item number - 3374
Large Minton majolica jardinere
Height - 15 inches |
Item number - 3333
Large Minton majolica malachite wine cooler
Height - 8.5 inches |
Item number - 3316
Large Minton majolica foxglove jardinere and stand
Height - 17 inches |
Item number - 3283
George Jones majolica lily of the valley small jardinere
Height - 6.5 inches |
Item number - 2768
Joseph Holdcrof t" heads"jardinière
Width - 19 inches |
Item number - 3222
Monumental Delphin Massier majolica irs jardinière
on heron stand .
Height - 51 inches |